
Cool Web Resources For Teachers



Webquests offer teachers a way of getting students to look more critically at information on the web. They often involve group collaboration to complete a set of tasks. Rather than have students use a broad search engine they typically list suitable websites that students should use. Many webquests can be found using a normal search engine (eg "Animal Farm" + webquest), Usually they will list suitable websites to look at to find information eg Tudors Cyberhunt
Some webquests can involve students putting together multimedia resource, rather than textual answers.

One of the main webquest sites is Webquest.org. If you want to put together your own webquest then it has a nice list of resources 
Techtreckers -lists Art, Music, English, PE, Maths Science, Social Studies and more
Online webquest maker -Teachers can put together an online webquest using this site
Webquest Evaluation Rubric- how to assess students completed webquests

Blooms Digital Taxonomy

Blooms Digital Taxonomy - Useful site listing Web 2.0 tools according to their taxonomy

190+ Cool Tools from Zaid Learn

Nice list of mostly free online teaching, programs resources http://bit.ly/S7Fhe